Here are some of the Organizations that YOUR sock donations go to!


The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed is a Christian non-profit organization that has been caring for the needs of the less fortunate since 1984.The Mustard Seed delivers basic services, housing and employment programs to those in need and partners with the community to address the root causes of poverty. For more information, visit www.theseed.ca.



The Camrose Open Door Association

The Camrose Open Door exists to meet the needs of youth.

Offering a wide variety of services, including our integrated youth hub, in partnership with the Primary Care Network. This hub is a one stop shop for young adults who can access health, counselling, addiction & mental health and social supports, as well as youth and family support and navigation. They offer access to basic needs, emergency shelter, transitional suites, FASD support, outreach services, tenant education and an ID program.
Their highest needs for donations are gift cards to grocery stores as well as single serving food items (ie. frozen dinners, cup of soups, KD cups, etc)
For More Information, Visit: www.camroseopendoor.com

The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre

Based out of East Vancouver, over 500 women access the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre (DEWC) every day, seeking safe space, basic needs, and essential services. DEWC operates a low-barrier drop-in centre and emergency night shelter for women and their children, providing essentials such as hot nutritious meals, showers, washrooms, clothing and toiletries, computer and phone access, as well as support services such as advocacy, victim services, and HIV case management.

DEWC serves as not only a crucial place of safety, respite from conditions of poverty and violence, and resource centre, but a community hub home to various workshops, healing circles, and cultural activities that build women’s capacity, empowerment, and resilience. By connecting women to a continuum of care, DEWC fosters trustful relationships and long-term positive change.

For More Information, Visit: www.DEWC.ca 



The Hope Mission 

Hope Mission provides basic and emergency care through daily meal service and overnight shelters, as well as counsel, referral, and housing services for men, women and youth all across Alberta. Specialized care and treatment is offered to those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction through faith-based addiction recovery programs.

Hope Mission operates the 24/7 Rescue Van, in partnership with REACH Edmonton, the City of Edmonton, EPS and EMS. The 24/7 Rescue Van provides emergency care and crisis intervention for people in need in Edmonton. 

For more information, visit: www.hopemission.com




Edmonton Eskimos Ryan King

(PS That's Edmonton Eskimo's Ryan King above!!)


Hull Services

Based in Calgary Hull Services is a Registered Charitable organization that provides an integrated continuum of services including specialized therapy, counselling and education. Hull helps children, youth and families who experience emotional and psychological disorders, behavioural problems, learning disabilities, mental illness, developmental delay, neglect, abuse and family breakdown.

They work with children who have often experienced chaotic, trouble filled lives. Hull offers them, and their families, an opportunity to seek health and happiness with a focus on mental health.

For More information on and how to get involved with Hull Services, visit: www.hullservices.ca



Throughout Edmonton and area, for nearly five decades, WIN House has given women and children of all ages and cultures a safe place to flee. From passionate professionals and volunteers, to dedicated donors and champions of the cause, WIN House is committed to providing safety, support, relief and resources for abuse victims.

For more information on WIN House and how to get involved, visit: 




Covenant House - Vancouver

Covenant House is dedicated to serving all youth, with absolute respect and unconditional love, to help youth experiencing homelessness, and to protect and safeguard all youth in need.

There principles can be summed up by:


Covenant House immediately meets the basic needs of youth experiencing homelessness through a nourishing meal, a shower, clean clothes, medical attention, and a safe place to sleep.


Covenant House provides a safe haven from the hardships of homelessness. We recognize the fundamental worth of every human being, and create a safe setting where all youth – regardless of life experience or identity – are served without judgement.

Value Communication

Covenant House leads by example to demonstrate that caring relationships are based on love, trust, respect, and honesty.


Covenant House provides the stability and structure necessary to build a positive future.


Covenant House fosters confidence; encouraging young people to believe in themselves and make informed choices for their lives.

To find out more about Covenant House and how to get involved, visit:



Canadian Cancer Society

At the Canadian Cancer Society, they are committed to improving and saving lives by always looking for new ways to prevent cancer, find it early and treat it more successfully.
The Canadian Cancer Society takes a comprehensive approach against cancer. They are also the only national charity that supports all Canadians living with all cancers across the country.
To learn more about the Canadian Cancer Society and how to get involved, visit:



Home Start - San Diego

Founded in 1972, Home Start, Inc. provides services to children living in poverty who require immediate, comprehensive solutions to ensure their safety and healthy development.

Their mission is to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities.

Home Start provides the following services and programs throughout the San Diego community at no to low cost. Our program staff managers work closely to cross-refer clients to meet their needs through our comprehensive services. During fiscal year 2018, nearly 18,000 clients were served across all Home Start programs.

To learn more about Homestart and to get involved:  www.home-start.org

(PS That's Former Edmonton Eskimo and current Arizona Cardinals WR Bryant "Batman" Mitchell!!)


The Bissell Centre

The mission of the Bissell Centre is to empower people to move from poverty to cultural, social and economic prosperity. 

Through the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness The Bissell Centre has helped over 6,000 people find homes in Edmonton 

Bissell Centre believes a community without poverty will see:

  • Families and individuals have sustainable livelihoods, secure housing, and can meet their basic daily needs.
  • Families and individuals are fully engaged in their community because of strong support networks, a sense of safety, and improved physical and mental health.
  • Families and individuals have hope for the future.
  • Individuals have access to the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential and participate equally within in the community.
  • Diversity is celebrated in a spirit of mutual respect and dignity.

For more information on the Bissell Centre and to get involved: bissellcentre.org



The Leduc Hub Association

The Leduc Hub Association has been active for over seven years and supports citizens of the City and County of Leduc. They are a 100% volunteer operated registered charity with donated funds going to help those in need!

supports include, but are not limited to: rents, utilities, food, medical costs, transportation, fuel, overnight stays for women victims of violence, Coats for Families, and basic supports for the homeless (meal cards, blankets, care kits, new socks and underwear).

For more information and to get involved: www.lrhub.org